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Project Object

id string

The unique identifier for the project

Example: ms-12345
name string

The name of the project

Example: my_project
datasets object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique identifier for the dataset

    Example: ds-12345
    name string

    The name of the dataset

    Example: my_dataset
    created_at integer

    The UNIX timestamp when the dataset was created

    Example: 1633036800
    is_uploaded boolean
    Example: true
  • ]
  • training_jobs object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique identifier for the training job

    Example: tr-12345
    name string

    The name of the training job

    Example: training-1
    base_model string

    The base model used for training

    Example: Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct
    status string

    The current status of the training job

    Possible values: [Pending, Running, Success, Failed, TimedOut, Cancelled]

    Example: Running
    progress integer

    The current progress of the training job

    Example: 75
    created_by string

    The user ID who created the training job

    Example: user-12345
    created_at integer

    The timestamp when the TrainingJob was created

    Example: 1633036800
    updated_at integer

    The timestamp when the TrainingJob was last updated

    Example: 1633036800
  • ]
  • deployments object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique identifier for the deployment

    Example: dp-12345
    name string

    The name of the deployment

    Example: deployment-1
    status string

    The current status of the deployment

    Possible values: [Pending, Deploying, Deployed, Failed, Cancelled, TimedOut]

    Example: Deployed
    created_at integer

    The timestamp when the deployment was created

    Example: 1633036800
  • ]
  • ProjectDetail
    "id": "ms-12345",
    "name": "my_project",
    "datasets": [
    "id": "ds-12345",
    "name": "my_dataset",
    "created_at": 1633036800,
    "is_uploaded": true
    "training_jobs": [
    "id": "tr-12345",
    "name": "training-1",
    "base_model": "Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct",
    "status": "Running",
    "progress": 75,
    "created_by": "user-12345",
    "created_at": 1633036800,
    "updated_at": 1633036800
    "deployments": [
    "id": "dp-12345",
    "name": "deployment-1",
    "status": "Deployed",
    "created_at": 1633036800